Animals seem to be a popular subject for photoshop junkies, and dogs are no exception. As we started searching we realized just how many amateur photoshop artists there are out there.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, we found so many great images we had to split them up into different articles. So enjoy the first edition of crazy photoshop dogs.
Animal lovers in general we are very opposed to this type of adornment. Seriously, these dogs are beautiful just the way they are. Dying them to satisfy our own egos is just wrong.
Dye is caustic by nature, if it stains it has to be strong. Coloring can burn an animals skin, burn their eyes and puts them through an uncomfortable and unnatural process.
Throughout the years there has been some great animation, both for us and our kids.
Many of our favorite animated characters have (or are) dogs.
We all have one we like the most – a favorite cartoon dog that captures our hearts. Which one is yours?
We put together a list of as many as we could find to help make the decision easier.
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Image from wvs
We’ve all seen (and passed judgement on) the homeless guy on the street with his dog. Many think it is terrible that a man or woman without a home should allow an animal to suffer with them.
Considering the amount of animals at overfilled animal shelters and the number of cases of animal neglect and starvation we see every day, these dogs have it pretty good.
We’ve never seen a homeless person with an animal that was in particularly bad shape. In fact we imagine dogs represent the best friends some of these folks have ever had.
It’s not hard to imagine that the people and the animals that society doesn’t want anymore should find solace in each other. We are doubting that any of these people want to be on the streets, before passing judgement be sure to consider what it’s like to walk a mile in their shoes.
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Image from Sephiroty Fiesta
It has long been assumed that cats and dogs just don’t get along.
However in many cases it seems to be a false assumption, because the two have been known to become BFF.
Dogs are pack animals, and friendly by nature, and cats like the attention (as long as they are in the mood, of course) so really they are a destined match. Until, of course, the cat looses interests and walks away.