Image from The Pack
A few weeks ago we did a post about the ghastly practice of dyed dogs.
More often than not, the subject of this is the poodle, perhaps because they don’t shed their hair.
People often joke about poodles and their haircuts, but really they are intelligent and kind animals who make great pets for those with allergies. Not to mention they come in a rainbow of colors, naturally.
Let’s face it, if Mother Nature wanted poodles to be pink, she would have made them that way. What we should do is celebrate what she gave us, not try to modify it.
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Another in a fun series, we’ve searched long and hard to bring you more photoshop dogs than you can imagine.
Which one is your favorite?
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Image from The Pack
The label readers of the world know that even our food is filled with preservatives, by-products and chemicals…imagine what they put in our dog’s food.
Responsible dog owners always read labels and know what they are putting into their animal (read: 99 cent store dog food is a no-no).
Here is a list of places who care about what goes into their treats because they care about what goes into their own animals.
The more pure, sustainable and organic we purchase, the more we support those who make responsible decisions when it comes to food
You love them, so it’s important to feed them the best.
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Let’s face it dogs are funny animals, which makes them a great subject to manipulate in photoshop. These artists have taken their love of an animal and translated it so some really cool photoshop dog images.
Any dog owner can tell you that their dog dreams.
They whimper, yip, twitch, grunt and you know they are dreaming about doing something – don’t you always wonder what it is?
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