Funny loldogs
By Paige
For anyone unfamiliar with the term loldog it is an online meme featuring pictures of animals with funny captions.
Captions are cleverly done in lolspeak which adds a childlike quality to the message. It isn’t hard to read although sometimes you have to read them out loud to really understand. The result is almost always good for a laugh.
We searched through all of the lols we could find and collected the best loldoggies we could find.
Image from wotthe7734
*Unless otherwise noted – all images come from ihasahotdog
i is an oreo
omgg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is hilarious!!!!
hahahahahaha.. happyness.. pass it on and the face on the levitating dog hahahahahahahahah lolololololololololololololololololololololol sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
AHAHAHAHAH! me and my pals should be doing our GCSE ICT ! buttt nooo! LOLDOGS is amazingg!!! its totally GNARLY !!!1 (:
stupid sad acts
lololololoolollololololololol. holy balogna fag on a stick! loldogs are really funny
lololololololol that is so fuuny i love all of them
so funny!!1!
i like loldogs and they will be my favorite <3